Thursday, May 3, 2012

Edgar Watch 2012:  No sightings yesterday.  Ladder remains in my backyard.  Still no clarification on deeee peeeps or if they got painted or not.  Stay tuned.

In the meantime, my brain is so sleepy it won't even wake up.  Late night.  Weird dreams.  Not cool.

So, since I can't even string together enough words to make a complete sentence, I leave you with this.  It's is the reason I love sports.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

Oh Edgar. Come back! Come back!!

LOVE this story. Great coach. Great kid.

Colleen said...

Patiently waiting to hear more about Edgar and deeee peeeeps

That was a wonderful story, our nephew just signed a letter of intent to play football (and go to school more importantly) at Rutgers.