Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Turning a big page today.

I have a new job! 

Today is my last day at my soon to be former job. 

I've been there almost 12 years.  That's a long time.  A lotta' life happened during that time.   It's been a good run.

But, time for bigger and better things so I'm moving on to greener pastures.

I'll still be doing marketing and public relations.  Similar to what I've been doing.  Just bigger.  Moving over to a hospital medical group setting.

Lots of thoughts and emotions as I wrap things up and tell folks adios. 

My office is bare and my to do list is short.  I'm just a lame duck.

I'm taking the rest of the week off and starting the new gig on Monday. 

If I don't have TB.

The TB test is part of the hiring process.

Not real sure what my arm is supposed to look like this morning.

That would be bad if I had TB.

*cough cough*

Anyway, pretty big stuff happening with me.

Turning pages and closing doors today.

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

Colleen said...

How exciting! Enjoy your down time! I know you will be very successful!

JuJu said...

Congratulations!! I look forward to hearing about your adventures and all the fun things you will be getting into!!

Enjoy the rest of the week and treat yourself!

Glad there's no TB involved. :-)

Colleen said...

ps...I have had that dern song stuck in my head most of the day now!!!