Hello Wednesday. Today appears to be a rainy day. I love a gray day like this, especially when I can be at home. Alas, not today.
The Bloggie Doggie was standing at the door last night asking to go out. What a good doggie. Except he had just been out....so I knew he didn't need to go out again.
But he stood there.....
....and stood there....
....and stood there....
....until I finally opened the door. Aha....

Cooper asked me last night, "Do you want to hear how a callipillar turns into a butterfly or do you want to hear one of my jokes?" Out of the blue Monday night he says, "So, have you heard the one about the three monkeys?" He thinks he's Mr. Funny Man these days. I think he heard Nephew T. and a friend telling jokes last weekend at the skeet shoot. And he picked up just enough to tell part, but not all, of the joke. He gives it a good shot, it makes no sense at all (except to him) but he laughs his head off. He'll bend over and slap his knee and just hee-haw. So I end up laughing anyway.
Even though the results had already hit the internet yesterday, the Olympics were still exciting to watch last night. Some disappointment in women's track and field, but we finally showed those 12 year old Chinese gymnasts a thing or two and won gold and silver on the beam. There still some exciting gold medal matches coming up in men's and women's beach volleyball. I think the women's softball team is shooting for a gold too. And of course, the men's basketball team marches on. Still plenty to watch people. Grab your flag and cheer for the U.S.A.!!
Grab your umbrella people and make it a great day.
Google is running around the track today: 
I leave you this morning with a question to ponder. Is it Bei-JING or Bei-ZHING?????

I leave you this morning with a question to ponder. Is it Bei-JING or Bei-ZHING?????
Grab your umbrella people and make it a great day.
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