Everybody still buzzin' this morning about Michael Phelps' "Golden Touch" last night.
Did you see the footage of his mom watching and thinking he had come in 2nd, only to realize it was first? She was so funny. I tried to find a pic for you, but wasn't successful. I'll keep looking. She was hilarious. How proud she and his sisters are of him.
Thought I'd share some info about what he eats. He consumes 12,000 calories a day. That is 9,500 more than the FDA recommends for an active, young male. Yet he recently told a reporter that he "has trouble keeping weight on." Grrrrrrr.
A typical day for him includes all this:
Breakfast: 3 fried egg sandwiches, 2 cups coffee, 5-egg omlette, bowl of grits, 3 pieces of french toast, 3 chocolate chip pancakes
Lunch: 1 pound pasta, 2 ham and cheese sandwiches, energy drink (1,000 calorie)
Dinner: 1 pound pasta, 1 large pizza, energy drink (1,000 calorie)
Spelling word update people. I incorrectly spelled the sport BADMITTON yesterday. It is actually BADMINTON.
Google salutes soccer today.
I'm excited to be able to be home most of the day. A trip to Kroger and probably Target, but it will definitley be all Olympics for us today. The Captain has taken Cooper and my nephew to a church skeet shoot. They hit the road early this morning for a fun boy's outing. I wonder if Cooper knows that skeet aren't real things. Surely he doesn't think he's bringing home dinner.
Tonight we get to feast our Olympic eyes on the track and field events and see the fastest runners in the world. Dora Torres goes for her first gold. And of course Boy Wonder shoots for his eighth. This medal will put him past Mark Spitz for most swimming golds. Spitz said this about Phelps,"It goes to show you that not only is this guy the greatest swimmer of all time and the greatest Olympian of all time, he's maybe the greatest athlete of all time," Spitz said. "He's the greatest racer who ever walked the planet...I'm just happy to be in the company of Michael Phelps." Nice. Has anybody seen a recent picture of Mark Spitz? I'd be interested in seeing what he looks like now.
The Bloggie Doggie reminds all of his faithful fans that baseball is his favorite sport.
He also leaves you this Saturday morning with his own salute to the Olympic rings (or maybe Disney). (Editor's note: No photos are ever staged for Me and My Good Life. Our first class staff photographers are always ready with the Kodak to capture all exciting events and breaking news as it happens.)
Have a great Saturday! Peace Out People.
4 Wanna' ramble too?:
I did see Mark Spitz in an interview. He just looks like an older Mark Spitz.
Bloggie doggie is doing exactly what he was bred to do....bringing you stuff. And to think he gets in trouble for that...!!! :)
Now, if I had cable in my bathroom or a shower stall in my living room, I wouldn't have to look at the TV schedule to schedule my shower.
I believe there is a tiny window from 1am-3am where there is NO Olympic coverage....
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