Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Even Gonna' Mention It

WARNING: From now until April 6, there will be lots of blogging about college hoops. March Madness is one of my most favorite times of the whole year. And I'm ready for the Dance people!

Does it get old for me to just blah-blah-blog about the Tigers? Well, I know that it must, so I'm not going to do that today.

I'm not gonna' talk about how we went to the game on Saturday and saw the Tigers walk all over Tulsa. Walk all over. Big. Win.

Or how the entire place was just electric and loud and rockin'.

I'm not gonna' talk about how the Tigers won by 25 points.

Or that four players were in double figures. Or that one of them had a double-double.

Or how there were actually people behind us who said to the standing, cheering, screaming Tiger fans to "Sit Down!" (Ummmm, no. As Bingmama said later when I told her, "It ain't Les Mis." HONESTLY people....SIT DOWN??? Are you nuts?)

I'm not gonna' tell you that my kids used two cans of blue hair paint and a tube of blue face paint.

Or how they cheered and clapped and high-fived and really got into the game.

Or how it made me happy to see that they realize they better love the Tigers or I will sell them to the gypsies I've passed my Tiger love down to them.

Or how the Tigers won the Conference USA title. Again. For the fourth straight year.

I'm not going to tell you how they unveiled the banner recognizing Anderson, Dozier & McGrady being the winningest college basketball players ever. Ever. Like ever in the history of basketball ever.

Or that I got quite teary that it was just a little emotional to see those three guys hugging each other. And for their teammates to be cheering for them and encouraging the fans to get a little bit louder (as if we could) to honor those guys.

I'm not gonna say that we hung around for the post-game interview and I got to see my absolute favorite player, Antonio Anderson.

Or that I gave him an "Antoniooooooooooooooooooo!" and he, in turn, gave me a little smile and a wave. And an autograph.

I'm not gonna' tell you about Jordan scoring Preston Laird's autograph and getting her picture made with him. Or that he really is just the cutest thing with an even cuter smile. Or that she has not stopped talking about it since it happened.

Or how we saw Chance McGrady and Laird leaving the Forum and how the Captain said "Go Tigers" with the P.A. mic thing on his take home car. Or that they both - especially McGrady - thought that was funny and laughed and waved at us.

I'm not going to tell you that the Tigers got a #2 seed. Even though they deserve the #1 seed. And that it's really ok, because then we can just prove everybody wrong. And will do our talking on the court. See you in Detroit Tiger haters.

Nope, I'm not gonna' tell you any of that.

I'm just going to tell you that I had a great weekend.

Oh - and Go Tigers!

0 Wanna' ramble too?: