Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's a big wow.

Bloggy friends...

I want to share an amazing story and a prayer request with you today.

Meet Matt.
Connie's "nephew-in-law".
He's 24 years old.
Matt has had kidney damage since he was seven.
Has been on dialysis for four years.
Now going three times a week.
Needs a kidney to live.
Enter Kelley.
Married to man that owns a cheer gym where Matt recently started coaching.
Kelly met Matt at a dinner party.
Just a few months ago.
Heard his story.
Had a feeling.
Knew she was a match.
Got tested.
One week after she met him.
But didn't tell Matt she was being tested.
Until she found out
That she is a perfect match.
Perfect. Match.
She is donating her kidney.
Did you hear me?
I said, she is donating her kidney.
To a "stranger".
The surgery is today.
In Nashville.
Kelley selflessly donates her kidney at 1:00.
Matt receives the life-saving kidney at 2:30.
God has worked in amazing ways through all of this.

Want more? Watch this...

There's also a Facebook group "Praying for Matt McCallum & Kelley Zeringue" with lots more info if that's what floats your boat.

Hope you'll pray for Kelley and Matt and their families and all the surgeons.

It's a neato story.

It's a big wow.

Peace out people.

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

I read about this on Connie's FB page. I will be thinking of everyone today and sending up good thoughts!

Busy Mom said...

This is amazing.

Cameron and Rachel said...

Amazing. so nice to know there are still good people in this world!