Friday, August 31, 2012

Fish and adventures ahead

The Captain and Jordan are headed out on a youth group adventure.  And by adventure, I mean sleeping in a tent, peeing in a bucket, avoiding snakes, bathing in a pond and probably getting to know Isaac.  

Cooper and I will be sleeping in the soft bed, watching football, embracing electricity, and drinking water that doesn't have to be purified first.

Stay tuned for more info on Fish Center.  We did get some fish last night.  Two tiny tetra casualties have already occurred.  RIP Mike and Ike.  This whole thing is going to be an adventure for sure.  But it's fun... so far.... and they are fun to watch...  except for the whole floating on the top part. 

Even The Figures are excited about Fish Center.

This is Kane looking at his namesake. 

OK, everybody have a great weekend.  Happy college football kick off!!!

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

Yay. More adventures with the Figures!!!

(are you out of time out yet?)

w said...

oh i'm so glad you got fish for the figures to enjoy.

Kearsie said...

Hello my long lost friend! Guess what I found today? If you guessed used bandaids, you are wrong. Instead, i found my awesome souvenir spoons, given to me by my bestest Twitter friend!!!

And then I got waves of nostalgia and pined for oversized shirts and blue mascara and Rangers.

And you.
