Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Monday

Hooray! Hooray!  It's an extra day at home!!  Let's hear it for Labor Day!

Weekend summary:

One fish casualty.  It was Kane.  RIP Kane.

The other three seem to be doing fine.

And the crazy frog.  Sometimes I think he's dead then other times he is swimming all around.  He's a weirdo.

Remember when I said the Captain and Jordan were on that youth summit and they would be: sleeping in a tent, peeing in a bucket, avoiding snakes, bathing in a pond and probably getting to know Isaac.  
There were no tents. No sleeping bags. No pillows.  No "food".

Ummm, no thanks.

They apparently had to make their own "shelters" from bamboo and tarp.

Fair enough. It was a survival-type weekend.

Until this comes through.

But they survived a rough Friday night.  And an even rougher Saturday night. 

It's never good when the TV weather guy puts a big cone on the exact spot where your people are camped out and talks about 60+ mph winds and rotation and hail and to "take cover immediately"

They got dove and fish. So they ate.  And, hopefully found no snakes.  

Coop and I had a weekend with lots of college football and minimal chores. It was bliss.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

RIP Kane.

I prefer not doing the survival thing. I mean, I like surviving, I just don't want to do the thing.

Colleen said...

A hotel sounds just fine to me thank you! Tried the camping many bugs..yuck!

Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend though!

You can never tell with fish, at least I can't. We would bring them home put them in the bowl and a short while later the little one would say something like "look mom the fish is asleep". Time for the toilet bowl funeral complete with me humming taps.....