Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Living Life

Lots on the news the last few days about Tim Russert. He seemed to be a very 'normal', down to earth guy who was very, very well liked and respected. I've heard so many people talking about him, his life, his love for family, his faith, his relationships with others. Even Bruce Springsteen gave him a shout out at his concert the night after he died. Everybody just really thought he was their best friend. What does that say about his life and how he lived it? How did he do that? How do you bring up kids to live like that? How did he raise his son like that? Did you see the interview his son, Luke, did with Matt Lauer? Definitely worth watching. So is his tribute to his dad today at the memorial service. That kid is an amazing young man.

In a piece Russert contributed to Oprah Winfrey's Web site, he wrote about his son, Luke, "I pray that I've taught him to make good decisions and given him strong moral grounding to do the right thing. Because, ever since August 22, 1985, at 7:11 p.m., I've known that when my life is over, there's nothing more I'll be judged on than what kind of father I was."

Luke said at the memorial today, "Have our actions today yielded us respect for our own family, been a credit to our faith, and been a benefit to our fellow man?"

For me, it's not enough that I live my own life that way, but I have two precious little children who I have to instill all that into as well.

You just hope that when you die, it is painfully obvious to others that your faith and your family meant everything to you.

All of this is just very heavy....

0 Wanna' ramble too?: