Monday, July 28, 2008

Pushing off to a new week

Back to the work week. I am off later in the week, but today it's back at it. Hard to get rolling in the work mode today since I've been off since Thursday afternoon. Lots of fun this long weekend even though the kids are getting a little tired of each other. Too much together time for them.

No end in sight for this heat. Yowzer. Looks like 95+ every day this week. Ugh.....

I have finally decided to jump on the Hundred Push Up bandwagon. This program has made its way around the blogosphere and I've been thinking about joining in. Since I'm not able to do any walking or running, I'm going to use these 6 weeks to my advantage and focus on strength training. I've got nothing to lose and only upper body strength to gain. I have NEVER been able to do a push up. Even a girly push up. But this is a progressive training program and really has something for everybody. You can do wall, bench, knee or regular push ups. At the end of 6 weeks, you should be able to do 100 consecutive push ups. Sounds a bit extreme, but hey, so did the thought of running a marathon and I did that. I have mentioned it to the Captain and he sounded interested. I'm going to print off the schedule today, take the initial test tonight, and get started tomorrow. It's a three day a week program, so really MWF works better for me. I'll have to shift it a little later. OK, here's to 100 push ups. Wish me luck!

The Bloggie Doggie is not interested in taking the Hundred Push Up Challenge.

Today was Beatrix Potter's birthday. She created Peter Rabbit which I have loved forever. Jordan's nursery was Peter Rabbit theme since I already had so much Peter Rabbit stuff. Very easy for me to decorate. Even Google is honoring her today by changing their logo on their homepage. (I love it when they do things like that.)
I finally finished my book last night. It was ok, but not one of her best. Lots of Morelli in that one. I'm not sure what to start next. Maybe that Lisa Gardner that I have picked up about 4 times. I'll decide tonight. Does anybody have any good books they can recommend or some good authors they've discovered? I'm always open to book suggestions.

Happy Monday people. Go do a push up.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

Anonymous said...

I keep telling you Michael Connelly..........

Anonymous said...

I just finished The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson. It was for our book club, and it's a very quick read...let me know if you read it. I really liked it!