After Jordan played a Wild card in Uno and called it red... "Oh man, and all my cards are blue."
After drawing a card..."Yea! A green 7!!" or "I love those black pointy cards."
Before playing a card..."Should I play my yellow 3 or my blue 6?" or "What's K stand for?"
In the meantime, I emptied his very full dirty clothes basket in the washer and noticed a pair of black soccer socks. What?! He hasn't worn those this week. So I started looking in the washer and it seems as if Thing 2 has dumped his entire underwear and sock drawer in the dirty basket. I was pulling out tons of matched up pairs of socks - all kinds of socks - dress socks, baseball socks, regular socks...CLEAN socks. And all this underwear. CLEAN underwear. What gives? I will never catch up with his brain.
It's 9:15 and both kids are still it.
Lay off the watermelon lipstick, practice your poker face and keep your clean drawers in your drawer people.
6 Wanna' ramble too?:
One of my children would try on something and not want to wear it and put it in the dirty clothes to keep from hanging it back up. I would take it out of the dirty clothes and put it on her bed. Not sure if it stopped it, though.
it wasn't me...
IT WAS TOTALLY YOU!!!!!!!!!! And now your favorite niece does the same thing.
very much LOL on that one
who LOVES the joker look????
The Joker look is not you.
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