Today is the National Day of Encouragement. I read about this on the Operation Nice website. Come to find out, it was started last year by a group of high school students at a forum at Harding University. It's a day to focus on encouraging each other. They even have some info where you can send a text to hurricane victims, relief workers, or member of our miliatry. Check it out! And find a way to encourage somebody today! Your word or deed may be the best thing that happens to them all day long.
Glad it's Friday. I think we're going to catch the high school football game tonight. Temps in the 90s don't really scream football weather, but it will be fun nonetheless.
In the "More Info Than You Really Want To Know" Department, I must say R.I.P. Mr. Big Toenail.....Yes, that's my toenail. Yes, it came off this morning. I guess this loss marks the official end of my marathon journey. (For you new blogophiles, read all about how I got to this monumental point at my old blog Gonna' Run a Marathon.) PS - If you think the picture of the toenail is gross, you can thank me for not posting a picture of my big toe. Not. Pretty. But it doesn't hurt, so I'm glad for that.
Let's have a little hip hip hooray for Friday people! And don't forget to encourage somebody today!
2 Wanna' ramble too?:
Hey Ang,
What I love about this toenail that the poor lost still painted! That's what I'm talking about. Inquiring minds want to know...have you put a band-aid on the now toenail-less toe, painted the skin, or do you just keep closed toed shoes on now!? Congrats on this running milestone :)
It looks like a Lee Press-On Nail doesn't it? I kept it painted to help cover up the beautiful black color. I have a band-aid on it now. Sadly, there isn't really anything to's just a toe-nub. However, I am required to wear closed-toe shoes at work anyway, so for part of the week, I'm ok. George was proud. He said "Victory!!". He's sick.
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