It's just another manic Monday....wish it were Sunday....that's my....oh sorry I got carried away and just felt the need to sing some Bangles there for a minute.
Hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a good one and enjoyed a high school game on Friday, some 6th grade volleyball and college football on Saturday, and a little NFL and NASCAR on Sunday. Everybody got some rest too. It was nice.
Speaking of nice, did they just say it was in the FIFTIES RIGHT NOW?!?!? And highs today in the SEVENTIES!?!
The Tigers lost another heartbreaker. Hate that.

Did you hear about the German Shepherd who called 911 when his owner had a seizure? He even barked and whimpered when the 911 operator asked him questions. Great story right here.
Enjoy this fall-ish day people!
1 Wanna' ramble too?:
Don't I have the smartest granddog! He can tell you when he wants to read, when he wants to eat and when he needs a bath. Oh me! What will he do next???
Guess I need to hear from the other household and what they are able to do today.
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