Tonight is Game 1 of the World Series. We've watched a bit of the play-offs and have been pulling for Tampa Bay. I'll probably continue to root for them during the World Series. They were the worst team in the league last year and have turned it around this year to be playing for the championship. Are you going to watch the World Series? Here are 10 reasons why you should tune in. And also, if you care, the team used to be called the Tampa Bay DEVIL Rays, but at the beginning of this season, dropped the "Devil"....bad karma I guess....
An exciting volleyball game for Jordan last night. It was the first round of their tournament. We won in three games. Whew!!! She twisted her ankle during warm up but managed to play really well. I think after a night of rest and ice, she should be good to go to school today (sorry Jordan) and ready for round two on Friday night.
Once again, I was one of a handful of people who was cheering for their team. I experienced the same thing on Friday night at a varsity football game. And most of the time, it's their own kid out there playing. And they don't even cheer. Shoot, half the time, they aren't even watching the game. I don't understand why these people don't cheer. Or even clap. OK people, you don't have to scream and holler and I'm not asking anybody to paint their face or do the wave (I. HATE. THE. WAVE.), but you could at least CLAP YOUR HANDS when your team does something good. Or to encourage these kids and get them fired up to win. As Connie said on Friday night

At one point last night, a dad from the other team (it was a team from our own school...tough to play your own school friends....but hey, that's the way the bracket crumbles.....) turned around and said "You all need to quiet it down. You are just too loud and obnoxious." What? Obnoxious that we were just cheering for our OWN TEAM, our OWN CHILDREN, and encouraging the girls BY NAME. He was
Let it be known, however, that I am an equal opportunity screamer. I also will cheer for the 6 year old soccer teams on Saturday mornings.... And I will cheer and scream at my own house during games. (I have made my kids cry when they were young. I have scared the dog.) I even have a rally towel that I break out during certain games I watch on TV. I can come totally unglued during a Memphis basketball game. College football will also get me going.
Maybe I am obnoxious. And nobody wants to sit by me during a game. Because I yell. And have been known to hit, grab or claw the person next to or in front of me during an exciting play. But I just love watching sports. I love love love it!!
I think I'm wearing my jersey to work today....
The Bloggie Doggie is also a big sports fan.
He loves football.....

And tennis.....

And volleyball....

And baseball.....

ROOT ROOT ROOT for your home team people!!!
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