Re-entry back into reality was tough yesterday people. I stood outside my office door at noon and 4pm and waited for the parade...It was hard to get my brain turned back on. But we are back to "real life". Kids back to school today. That is going to be painful for everybody in about 30 minutes when I attempt to wake them up.
We'll have a little Tuesday Morning Quarterback today...
How about those Arkansas Razorbacks giving Auburn the what for... FINALLY!
Tony Romo out for a month with a broken PINKIE!?!? What a wuss. I love to hate the Cowboys.
LSU took a beating from Florida.
And the Browns beat the Giants last night. Good game. (Congrats Connie!)
Anybody watching the baseball playoffs? I haven't been able to catch much of it, but hope to soon. I tend to be pulling for the Devil Rays since they are the underdog. I also like the Dodgers because I like Joe Torre. Wouldn't mind the Red Sox if they beat the Rays. What about you?
The Bloggie Doggie wishes you people a good day.
Have a terrific Tuesday!

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