Monday, February 16, 2009

Some blah blah blah questions

I got tagged by a friend via email with these lovely blah blah blah questions. And, as I am always looking for blog fodder, thought I would share them with all you people.

What color are your socks?
Right now, I am sock-free.

What was the last thing you ate?
Luna Blueberry Bliss bar. Actually, there wasn't much blueberry. And not nearly enough bliss.

Can you drive a stick shift?
No. I mean, I guess I could if there were some sort of emergency or something. But it would be a very ugly scene. One of my college roommates attempted to teach me how. And, I think the Captain even tried early on in our dating career (Did you do that Captain? In the red Jeep? I have a vague memory of that situation. But you have probably suppressed it.) But alas, it was all to no avail.

Last person you spoke to on the phone?
My mom

Last incoming text message?
"Haven't yet. Want to."

Last outgoing text message?
"I have lots of brown paint left."

How old are you today?

What is last movie you watched?
The Lake House

How do you vent anger?
Cry and/or pout.

When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday afternoon after I saw some commercial that basically said one day they are kids, the next day they are not. And then I let my mind run away with me and it fast forwarded about 15 years and I realized my kids would be grown and gone. And so I cried. And then Jordan walked in the room and I hugged her and said "I miss you Jordan." And she just looked confused. And the Captain just laughed. As usual.

What did you do last night?
Watched the Tiger game, played Wii with the fam, read a little, then fell asleep listening to some show on Abraham Lincoln that the Captain was watching.

How many different states have you lived in?
Just one.

Diamonds or pearls?

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

Anonymous said...

My socks are white
learned to drive on a stick shift, that was all we had - no choice
last talked to sister-in-law
don't remember last movie
Go for a walk or be quiet, that way I don't say something I would regret later
Saturday night when friends did something very sweet for me
last night went to church, came home to watch TV, woke up to go to bed

Anonymous said...

My socks are white
learned to drive on a stick shift, that was all we had - no choice
last talked to sister-in-law
don't remember last movie
Go for a walk or be quiet, that way I don't say something I would regret later
Saturday night when friends did something very sweet for me
last night went to church, came home to watch TV, woke up to go to bed

Anonymous said...

oh yes, definitely pearls