Monday, April 20, 2009

My Weekend - By the Numbers

3 -- number of giggling, texting tween girls that I had in my house on Friday night.

1 -- Hannah Montana movie.

9.5 -- size shoe we were in search of for Jordan for her graduation and her aunt's wedding. It is hard to find appropriate shoes in that size for a 12-year old. Just sayin'.

4 -- hours of sleep I got on Saturday night because I stayed up too late watching episodes of House and Law & Order. Plus, the Captain snored all night.

5 -- pounds of taco meat I made for our family birthday dinner on Saturday night

11 -- how many people that came over for dinner on Saturday night

2.5 -- pounds of leftover taco meat I have

12 -- number of different times it started and stopped raining

6 -- loads of laundry washed

30 -- length of my Sunday afternoon nap in minutes

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

That nap should have been longer, especially after all those other numbers!

Jessica said...

Hey just noticed you are reading Plain Truth--let me know what you think of it! Have you read her before?