Monday, June 29, 2009


And thus another weekend is over and a new week begins....

Jordan is leaving today for another youth trip. (Nephew T. is going too!) This time it's to Adventure Camp. A week in the mountains of East Tennessee. White water rafting, paint ball, horseback riding, mountain bikes, ropes get the idea. Well guess who couldn't wait to sign up to chaperone? Yep - the Captain. Big kid at heart. I'm hoping he remembers he is to be a responsible adult on this trip and not totally dominate the innocent juveniles on the paint ball course. I do sense an unfair advantage there. I *may* have seen him pack an article of camo clothing... We had to sign 3,587 waivers. It will be a fun week for the kids. Full of adventure. Well what did you expect me to say? That's what the camp is called. Anyway, I hope you will pray for their safety while they are there. Kthanks.

So Billy Mays died too?! How nuts is this celebrity death train getting? Just totally bizarre. I'm going to buy some OxyClean today in his memory.

I am fighting a little summer cold that appeared out of nowhere. That stinks. My apologies to the Captain for coughing all. night. long.

The kids have discovered the show Charlie's Angels and love it. They aired lots of reruns over the weekend. Memories.

What? It was only 70 degrees when I got up this morning? Brrrrr.

More later people. That's all I've got this morning.

1 Wanna' ramble too?:

beckyjomama said...

You make me laugh! Prayin for ALL of your boys while they're away!