Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Underwater adventures

Who needs Sea World?

Dangerous sea creatures performing nightly.... in my bath tub....

Tah-dah!! A trifecta! It's the finale of the big show!

Make sure and check out the giant turtle exhibit.

Here is the handsome and brave AquaMan guarding the drain...
(I know, I know...I need to clean those bathtub jet thingies...don't look too closely at those...and please don't judge me by my dirty bathtub jet thingies....)

"Hi Gorgeous....come here often? I mean, excuse me ma'am do you have your ticket for the fish show?"

You do know that it's Cooper who plays with these in the tub? Right? It's not me. Really. OK, I may or may not play with the AquaMan sometimes. But only cause he's all muscley and has those beautiful blue plastic superhero eyes.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

I am so impressed with how CLEAN your tub is! What do you use?

Aqua Man is HOTT!

Kearsie said...

I shall not judge you for playing with a plastic doll. I understand.