Friday, April 23, 2010

We went. We rocked. We came back home.

Let me just start by saying the Bon Jovi concert was totally awesome.

Even awesomer than awesome.

And let me also say that Jon Bon Jovi looks and sounds just as good as he ever did.

He has great jeans genes.

And he still has the greatest rock and roll hair.

And he just rocked it.

For over two hours.

It was a most excellent show.

And Bingmama and I had a most excellent time.

And we laughed and talked and talked and laughed.

And we may or may not have taken all of this with us:

  • 7 cardigan sweaters
  • 15 necklaces
  • 2 bracelets
  • 9 tshirts
  • and a partridge in a pear tree

And yes we were only gone 24 hours.

But we needed options.

And I am absolutely, positively 100% certain that I was the only person at the concert wearing a cardigan sweater. That was yellow.

I am also absolutely, positively 100% certain if you weren't wearing a halter top and boots, you were a nobody.

Hi, I'm nobody. I'm the one that wore a yellow cardigan to the Bon Jovi concert.

And Bingmama told somebody that I was her mother.

We had some interesting cab experiences.

First, we totally stole a cab that had showed up at the hotel for another group. We did think it was ours, but found out later it wasn't. Ooops.

This before-the-concert cab driver had an orthopaedic walking boot on his left foot. And had a prosthetic on his right foot. And he would drive real fast. Toward people and other cars. And then say "Shut your eyes if you're squeamish." And he made a very, VERY wide right turn which put us on the left side of the road for a terribly long period of time. He must have thought we were in England or something. And I thought we were gonna' die.

The after-the-concert cab driver was a bit odd. He kind of talked real low and quiet and slow. And made it a point to show us the court house and the jail. And for about 3 minutes I was certain he was driving us off into the warehouse district of Nashville to murder us. And I even texted Bingmama WHERE ARE WE GOING?!?!? Because all we could think about was the movie "The Bone Collector". I got real worried because Bingmama's knee was flaring up and I was concerned that she was not going to be able to outrun him once he started chasing us. And I thought we were gonna' die. But never fear, we made it back to the hotel.

Yep, we made it back to the hotel and got in bed at 12:15 in the morning. Which is about six hours past my bedtime.

So apparently we think we are still 21 years old and can work half a day, drive to Nashville in the afternoon, grab dinner, go to a 2+ hour VERY LOUD rock and roll concert, sing and dance and clap and fist pump and scream WOOOOOO!!!! every time we look at Jon and Richie in the binoculars, and hit the sack at 12:15 in the morning and get up, FIND A STARBUCKS, drive back to Memphis and go to work.......because that's exactly what we did.

We were rockin' mamas.

Who wore cardigans to the Bon Jovi concert.

And had a great time!

Rock on!

4 Wanna' ramble too?:

w said...

hahahaah. that sounds like fun. the cardigan part, anyway.

The Goddess Hathor said...

Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I too, think I'm still 21; having worked all day, hopped a train to Philly (from Boston) for the two Jovi shows there (no cardigan), then took the train to NYC to see Memphis, hopped a bus back to Boston, then drove to Mohegan for the shows there. I didn't catch up on my sleep for about 2 weeks, but OH was it worth it!

Very glad neither of your cab drivers murdered you.

Keep rockin' the cardigan,

JuJu said...

Please please please tell me you didn't wear pearls with the cardigan?????

So glad to hear you had fun. Now, nap the rest of the weekend!!

Kearsie said...

This gives me hope that I, too, can still rock it out at (insert famousy rock concerty person) concert with my SATAN SUCKS Tshirt on.