Friday, August 6, 2010

The Drop Off

I dropped Cooper off at football practice yesterday.

(This was before I went to pick up Jordan, Nephew T and Niece M after *their* practices at another location, take T & M home, and go back to get Cooper. Seriously, my season right now is that of a taxi driver -- and an occasional appearance as an ATM....)

Cooper: You can just pull up and I'll go on.

Me: By yourself?

Cooper: Yeah - I can go by myself.

Me: You sure?

Cooper: Yes ma'am, I'm sure.

Me: I can park and walk you up there.

Cooper: No thanks. I'm fine.

Me: ......OK.....

Cooper grabbed his helmet, bag, water jug and got out of the car....

Me: Come here - give me a kiss goodbye.

Cooper: Mom, football players don't kiss.

Alrighty then.

P.S. -- If you need me this weekend, I'll be in Nashville for a volleyball tournament with Jordan, Connie & Niece M. Yep, you guessed it. Fourteen hours of volleyball tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have bleacher butt when it's all over. Ouch.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

oh no! Football players don't kiss? That is awful!

I had a dream last week that I won a volleyball tournament. (uh, I NEVER play!) In this dream, I had a party, and guess who attended?
Michael Jordan and the Pope.

Cameron and Rachel said...

Looks like you will be a frequent visitor at the gas pump too!
Tell Jordan good luck this weekend!