Saturday, November 13, 2010

Twit. Ter.

This. Right Here. Is my. Twitter.

Peanut butter M&M's are straight from the devil.

Dear Son: I will let you putt in the den, but I will absolutely not let you tee off

Hi, my name is @angie128 and I love to hate the Dallas Cowboys.

I texted the Captain that I just saw a UFO. I'm pretty sure that's the last straw and he won't be coming home tonight....

Monday Night Football. Best thing about today. Other than eating lunch with six 8-year old boys. There are no words to describe that

If you drop one of those containers of mandarin oranges on the floor, the top will come off & sticky juice will go all over your kitchen.

Craving green bean casserole

I am going to hear Laura Bush speak today. @bingmama and I are discussing if we are dressed appropriately to have lunch with a First Lady.

Well, Laura Bush is just a cutie patootie

0 Wanna' ramble too?: