Thursday, October 6, 2011


Guess what? We're headed to the beach today! Woot Woot!!

I have to work a few hours, go the bank, go to Target, take the Bloggie Doggie to the puppy motel, finish laundry, pack, make sure there won't be any science experiments growing in the frig while we're gone, get gas, go to a volleyball game annnnnnnd THEN we're headed to the beach. So it's really more like "We're headed to the beach tonight!"

I have already talked to my friend, The Weather Man and asked him to keep all named storms and other various forms of wet weather away from that area for a few days. His reply? "You should have great weather." So that's taken care of....

Still makes me a little sad because fall break beach trips remind me of my daddy so much. Because sometimes you just miss the way things used to be, you know?

And this is -- I think -- only the third time in my life I've ever been to the beach without Connie. Ever in the history of sister everness. Waaaaahhhhh.....

But it will be a nice few days of nothingness.

Just me and my squatty beach chair and 18 books.

And the Captain.

And my kids.

And my MIL.

And 11 other people who are "with us" but not "with us". Which is too complicated to explain. And it doesn't really matter anyway. But it does include a total of six teenage girls (including my own) so, while the chance of rain may be 10%, the chance of teen girl drama is probably closer to 85%. Anyhoo....

The ol' MAMGL blog may be a little hit or miss the next few days.

But, I'll be back.

I promise.

A bit more rested.

And slightly tan.

Over and out.

1 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

Have a super fantastic time at the beach. I hope you have great weather, minimal drama, and all sorts of GREAT relaxation time! Se you when you get back!