Thursday, August 23, 2012


The Captain has returned from wherever he was.
New Zealand.
New Hampshire.
Can't remember.

Sad things make me sad.

I would like to have a kangaroo.

He could hop around the house.

School.  Week two.  Homework full swing. 

I like peanut butter.

And cheese.

"Dogs with eyebrows" is one of the top google searches that leads folks to my blog.

I still have a pile of wrestling figures in my den floor.

I hate the song "Dream Weaver"

I want to paint my front door.  Probably black.

I'm ready for fall. 

Football starts in a week.

I love my kindle.

And my dog.

The end.

5 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

What color is your front door now? I would like a red door.

I like your doggy too. With or without eyebrows.

Oh, and I had a dream about you last night. I was driving a car and you and Cooper were with me. Or something like that. I drove over a cliff and we fell into a nice soft pond. We were all fine, but my car sank.

Colleen said...

That was some great random stuff!!

The top searches that find me are Basil Thai Fried Rice and Spinach Shrimp Lasagna Rolls. I think the dog with the eye brows is much more fun!

Colleen said...

ps...I think a Kangaroo sounds like an awful lot of fun!

w said...

i don't like "dream weaver" either. and i want a blue door.

w said...
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