Thursday, February 21, 2013


We were under some sort of a winter weather advisory or something last night.

It sleeted a little.

And has amouted to nothing.

Yet, that's all the morning news is talking about.   

The bad icy winter weather that DIDN'T happen.

I'm kind of ok with it.

It's hard to balance bad weather and a job and kids home from school.

Shoot - it's just hard to balance a job and kids.

And, suddenly it's already Thursday.

Which means I've got to get my bootie in gear and get ready to head out tomorrow afternoon for yet another weekend volleyball tournament.  Conway, Arkansas - here we come!

Have a happy day, people. Play nice.

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

It's hard to balance. PERIOD.

I guess you being in Arkansas means you won't be watching any Tiger v. Tiger baseball this weekend. :-)

Travel safe!

Busy Mom said...

Puppy Chow!

Colleen said...

We call it a slow news day here, but then again just about everyday is like that! Your snow is supposed to be torrential rain for two days for us.

Yes it is difficult to balance all that life throws at us, just know that someday the kids will grow up and you will have a whole other bunch of stuff to balance!