Tuesday, May 14, 2013


It got a little bit nutty at my house yesterday.
Finishing up math homework.
Then quick turn around for Coop and the Captain to get to the baseball game.
Make a PB&J sandwich for pre-game.  Two PB&J sandwiches for post-game.
They were meeting us at graduation.
Gear bag, water, cleats, extra shoes.
Jordan's boyfriend - who has a little yard biz - and also a big ol' truck - was helping us in our front bed by pulling out two gigantic ugly bushes. 
Big ol' truck in the middle of the yard trying to pull out the two gigantic ugly bushes.
Cue pizza delivery boy.
Right in the middle of a little cry session on my part because I was thinking about my niece.
Hello pizza boy.
Sorry, I'm crying a little.  My niece is about to graduate.
Sorry for the big ol' truck in the middle of my yard.
Trying to pull these bushes out.
He just looks at me like I was a middle aged crazy woman.
OK then.
"It's ok ma'am.  Here's your pizza.  Have a good day."
Dog barking barking barking.
Shifting departure time for graduation by thirty minutes so we can get some pictures.
Call my mom to let her know we'll be early.
Finally - out the door.
Get my mom.
Get to graduation.
Get some pictures with my favorite graduate.
Captain and Coop slide in right as the graduation started.
It's ok to wear baseball pants to graduation, right?
Baseball victory.  Championship tonight!
A few tears.
A great night.
My precious graduate.
Home at 9:30.
Have to write a letter to Cooper's class to tell them how great he is since he's the super student this week.
Turn on Griz game.
They were down 17 when we got home.
Then they won in OT. 
Grit. Grind. Griz.
Late night.
Great night.
But way too tired for today to just be Tuesday.
Coffee, please.

1 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

What a crazy busy day. But, it sounds like there was so much love in that day!

I would love a pizza right now.

Have a good sleep!