Monday, August 12, 2013


Today.  First day of school for Coop. Sixth grade. 
Tomorrow.  First day of school for Jordan.  Eleventh grade.
Tomorrow.  First day of school for Nephew T.  Eleventh grade.
Wednesday.  Niece M. leaves for college.
I'm still trying to figure out the "leave" part.
What happened?
Yeah.  Kind of trying to process all that.
Can't deal.
Have had a few ugly cries this weekend.
Not so much specifically to all that... just the fact that now Niece M goes to college and it's the end of our four little babies at home all together.
Sometimes I have slight challenges dealing with the passage of time.
And, by slight challenges, I mean sitting in a room all by myself bawling my eyes out, making ugly snort noises and wiping snot off my face.
And, it's time to start talking colleges for Jordan, too.
Because Junior year is the time to start doing some tours and making some decisions.
Not ready.
Jordan says she wants to be home schooled for college.
Works for me.
Because two years from today we will be taking her to college somewhere.
Time flies.
No bueno.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

Cameron and Rachel said...

I can NOT believe Jordan is in in 11th grade. My baby started Kindergarten. There has been a lot of ugly behind the door crying from this Momma. Why must they grow up??

JuJu said...

I can still remember the first day of first grade for Taylor. I cried like it was the end of the world.
In a way, it was.