Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Miscellany miscellany

Not real sure what this "back to school groove" is, but we aren't in it.

Struggling with the homework, schedule, bedtime, etc etc etc

I guess we will eventually get there.

Other than that, things are ok.

Well, I'm still stuck in level 65 of the ol' Candy Crush.  My version of hell on earth.

Oh, and the Captain's mother fell out at the farmer's market on Friday. Some blood pressure problems and medicine mix ups. Yep, just keeled over in the middle of the purple hull peas.  A little ride in the ambulance, lots of fluids, and an overnight stay in the hospital and she's - kind of - back on track.

That's about it.

WAIT! I almost forgot the most important thing. COLLEGE FOOTBALL STARTS THIS WEEK!!!

{clap clap clap clap}

That will make everything better.

1 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

those peas are dangerous.