I took the pushup test last night and was able to squeak out 10 girlie pushups. I'll start the first day's schedule tonight. I actually meant to do them this morning, but I forgot. I did another show that I tivo'd. This was called "Stretch Max" and it was pilates/yoga with a resistance band. Lots of good stretching. I'm so wishing I had found these shows while I was training for the marathon - they would have been great for cross training days. The Bloggie Doggie was sound asleep and snoring the whole time I was exercising very interested in the exercise show and was doing a little meditation himself while I was streching:
Day 2: 9, 8, 6, 5, 7
Yesterday it seemed like my eye and contact were really bothering me. By last night, I could really feel some irritation or something under my lid. And now this morning - wowie! It's really hurting. And my eyelid is even a little puffy, like it's irritated or something. I'm sporting the spectacles today and am hoping I can get in to see the doctor this morning.
Today is the 50th anniversary of NASA. Once again, another little shout out from Google. I love those guys.
And finally, proof that my kid watches too much TV:
Cooper: Do you know where the Joker lives?
Me: No where?
Cooper: I'll tell you....after the break.
Peace out people.
1 Wanna' ramble too?:
I do remember that day. The wedding started at 4:00 AM, and yes, she was beautiful - always was and it was a fairy tale, except they didn't live happily ever after. I know a good eye dr. going to get stitches out today, you can go with me - ha - and he will take care of you. That Cooper - sometimes Dad's wit surfaces in how he comes up with things. ILY
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