Hip Hip Hooray for Friday! Did you all get a lot of rain yesterday? We had some real good rain and lots of thunder - I love that. Everything looks a little greener today doesn't it? You can put that sprinkler out all day long, but it's not the same as having some REAL water on your yard. However, there are no words for this forecast. Are you kidding me?! Looks like it's time for some hate mail to the ol' weatherman....
We had a great day yesterday. Wanna' know what we did? NOTHING. Just hung around and played some computer games. I don't think Jordan ever even got dressed. I pulled out 2 old computer games that we had not played in awhile. I don't even think Cooper had ever played them. (Connie, they were those Zoombini games.) They definitely kept him occupied for quite awhile. It's like a little adventure game for these creatures, but you have to solve math, logic & reasoning puzzles as you do it. So, it's working their little brains without their knowing it. Perfect! Last night we played Uno.
I was reading today's birthdays and it mentioned that today was Francis Scott Key's birthday. As you all know, that's who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. But am I the only one who didn't realize that was a GUY? Why did I think - this whole time - that Francis Scott Key was a FEMALE?
Today is also Tom Wilson's birthday. Know who he is? He's the cartoonist that creates Ziggy. I used to LOVE Ziggy. I was so obsessed with those little single square cartoons when I was a kid. I would cut them out and tape them into a spiral notebook. Why did I do that I wonder? Oh well. Now I just wonder why he doesn't wear pants.
A weird sports day yesterday. Ken Griffey, Jr. to the White Sox. Manny Ramirez to the Dodgers. And the Brett Favre Standoff continues. That whole thing has just gotten very complicated. He has not been reinstated by the NFL. If he is reinstated, then Green Bay can either cut him or add him back to the roster. If he is released, he could play for another team or not at all. It's almost like Green Bay doesn't want him, but doesn't want anybody else to have him either. Because they know he would kick their behineys if he played against them. So, in the meantime, there's a $20 million+ deal on the table offering Favre a 'non-playing role with the team'. Stay tuned people.
Plus, is it just me, or is beyond nuts that John McCain has used Paris Hilton & Brittany Spears in his campaign commercials? What is this world coming to?
The Bloggie Doggie can't wait for the kids to wake up. (Yes, those are Jonas Brothers pictures on her door....)
Peace out people. Have a good one.
5 Wanna' ramble too?:
Pretend I am Mrs. Donaldson - here is your clue as to gender --
FrancIs - male
FrancEs - female
Did you know there is a MariOn - male and MariAn - female
I knew he was a guy.........didn't know that Mrs. Donaldson clue...
Can't always go by that rule. Look at how the Captain spells HIS name.....
I didn't mean it was a rule, only talking about the name Francis and Frances, and was being the English teacher.
oh dear...it's just like the Babe Ruth thing!
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