It's c-c-c-c-c-cold this morning. Thirty-six degrees. (Tom, quit laughing - that's cold for us southern folk.) I had to cave and turn my heat on just a little bit. I hated to do that so soon, but it was chilly in the house and I knew the peeps would complain and not want to get out of bed.
The Captain and the kids picked out a great pumpkin Sunday afternoon. The Bloggie Doggie approved of their selection.
Check out the Bloggie Doggie in the door watching me....I bet those flowers bit the dust last night with the frost. Haven't checked on them this morning. But they were my summer flowers and it's time for them to go anyway.

Did you catch the soggy World Series game last night? What a mess that was. I've never seen so much rain during a baseball game. They suspended the game half-way in the sixth. First suspended game in World Seried history. Game was tied. Hmmmmmm. Normally, five innings is a complete game. So the Phillies technically could be winners. But Bud Selig said it was not a way to win the World Series - called for rain mid-game. There could definitely be some controversy brewing....They are scheduled to play tonight, weather permitting. (The forecast for Philadelphia through Wednesday is more rain, wind and some snow.) Unfortunately, the Phillies "wasted" their ace pitcher Cutie Cole Hamels. That's too bad. If you have an opinion and want to be heard, ESPN has some polls about Game 5 on this page right here.
Titans continue to roll and remain undefeated! Only remaining undefeated team in the NFL. That was a good game too. Our remote took a beating last night as the Captain and I flipped unmercifully between games. Cooper made sure everybody got in on the action.
Stay warm and make your Tuesday a good one people. Peace out.
1 Wanna' ramble too?:
I am tired of this rain!!!! I am close to Philly and what you see on TV is what I'm getting too - blech!
Thanks for stopping by the prayer blog!! It's nice to know people are reading it and using it (and not just me, LOL!)
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