Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat or Disappointment?

I read this on brandi and boys and it was too good not to pass along.....The original story was on Yahoo and you can read it right here.

It's a list of the top ten Halloween treats nobody wants.


Candy Corn


Smarties and Necco wafers

I can do without the Smarties, but I used to love those Necco things....

Dum Dum Lollipops

Makes you think you're at the pediatricians office....


Tootsie Rolls

Personally, I love me some Tootsie Rolls....

Miscellaneous hard wrapped candy

Laffy Taffy

What?!? No banana Laffy Taffy? What's wrong with you people?

Anything fun sized

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

Anonymous said...

I always thought "fun sized" was a misnomer....there is NOTHING "fun" about midget sized candy bars....

Anonymous said...

i LOVE fun-size candybars... maybe it's the portion control, but then if you eat 10 i don't know if that counts! :)