Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween! I hope you have your costumes and your peeps' costumes all ready for tonight. We are having trunk 'n treat at church. Jordan will be transformed into a "dirty clothes basket". Cooper is a vampire. (I'm all about creative and cheap costumes. No $40 costumes for my kids...) I am going as "Frazzled Working Mother" which I have been for the last several years. I love that because I really don't have to do anything to get ready. Just show up. And hey, I'm in costume! In keeping with tradition, the Captain will be dressed as a police officer. It's getting kind of old, but man, it just looks so darn authentic. Weather here looks like it will be a treat (Get it? TREAT!?) so it should be a great day.

I have been trying to finish up a few last projects with my fall decorating. Especially since it was decided last week that I will be having Thanksgiving at my house. So after making a few more trips to the Hob Lob, and purchasing some fall picks (already 50% off - sweet!), I think I'm finished.

I made this wreath for my door....

This cornucopia (or as Cooper calls it "HORNucopia).....

And finished off this basket thing....

Here's the Bloggie Doggie looking out the window while I was taking a picture of the wreath....

Gotta' love the Google...I heart these things.

Be safe tonight and don't overload on the sugar. Have a Happy Halloween people! Here's hoping you don't get a bucket full of dum-dums....

0 Wanna' ramble too?: