Saturday, October 3, 2009

Twitter rocks.

A week of tweets. Right here.

Sitting in the rain watching son play soccer.

Arkansas. Good grief. C'mon hogs!

Oh Razorbacks. How you break my heart.

Dear Sun: Thanks for coming today & sticking around all day. It was nice getting reacquainted with you. Hope you'll be returning tomorrow.

I think one side of my flat iron has gone out. Apparently now I just have a fl ir.

I have a million things to get done this week. Now I can add "Go to dentist and get filling replaced" to my list. Joy.

There is a rumor that all four of us will be home tonight for dinner. Yes, all at the same time. Stay tuned....

What a gorgeous day! Let's hear it for canada! Clap! Clap!

It scares the Captain when I walk across the yard with hedge trimmers.

In honor of today's pretty weather, I will be wearing my "I Heart Canada" t-shirt.

My "replace the filling" trip to the dentist this AM turned into "worse than we thought & we need to replace your crown too." Boo hoo.

For those keeping score at home, there are three days remaining until I leave for the beach.

Volleyball season officially over. It's bittersweet.

I really need a burning bush.

I'm amazed with technology right now. Oh, and I'm obsessed with index cards.

0 Wanna' ramble too?: