Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thinkin' about the past

Another day. Another heat advisory.

Blah blah blah.

I will think of cooler times. Colder days.

Six months ago.

When I was freezing my patootie off.

In other news, Jordan comes home today! Hooray!

And finally, please continue to pray for Nick. They have set up a Caring Bridge site and you can check it out right here. There is also a "Praying for Nick Brumfield" group thing on Facebook if that's more up your alley. Connie and I were talking yesterday about how so many of you - who don't even know him - and who really don't even "know" us - were praying for him. And that's just awesome.

OK people. I'm outta' here.

The Captain got up early this morning for some reason. And, instead of watching news and weather and sports recaps and such (which is what I do when I am up by myself), he has chosen to watch some scary wolf movie. Ummmm, it's a bit early for that nonsense. So I'm headed to work.

Have a happy day!

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

This heat is awful! I wish I could at least melt away some extra lbs in it!!

Thinking of and praying for Nick and his family. Bless his heart.

Stay away from wolves!

Momma Roar said...

It's hot up this way too - ugh.

4 months ago, I had 10 feet of snow in my backyard!

Will be praying.

Oh, I'm sure our boys would get along great - get 'em a train ticket and have that staycation! ;)

KaseysKrazyMommy said...

Still praying for Nick... no child should have to go through this.