Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sleepy times three plus a buffalo

I thought we had Cooper's Dress Like a Book Character allllll figured out.

He was going to be a spy from one of his favorite books.

Black shirt, black jacket, toy spy gear. Check.  Done.   Fast and free.  My kind of costume.

Until I pick him up from baseball practice last night and he informs me that he will now be one of the Seven Dwarfs.  Sleepy to be exact. 

Spy costume out the window.

Begin search for dwarf clothes.

He wanted to wear pajamas since he was Sleepy and all.

But a little research showed that Sleepy wears dwarf clothes.

Not real sure what dwarf clothes are.

But we pulled some items together that will be acceptable.  Remember, this isn't Disney World, this is fourth grade.

For the record, I'm NOT one of those moms who will run up to the fabric store and whip up a little tunic..

Gotta make do with what we've got. 

Which may or may not include rainbow suspenders. 

Dwarfy?  Sure it is.

Whatever works, people.

Speaking of sleepy, Jordan got stung by a wasp on her face at school yesterday.  A few doses of Benadryl and she's been out cold since 5:30. 

And I'm sleepy too.  Without ingesting Benadryl.  I'm always sleepy. 

So, all three of us are sleepy.

Oh, the Captain?

He's out of town for the week at some policey conference.  He sent me pictures last night of buffalo running around the dinner theatre place where they were eating.  Can't quite make the connection there. 

Anyway, that's what's up.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

Were there six other dwarfs in his class? I think I'm Sleepy Dwarf today.

Unknown said...

As a side note, you did make a good greeter yesterday morning. Even if we were the only ones you greeted. Missed you this morning, though.