Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dream in a dream

I dreamed about my dad Monday night.

Kind of odd since he's been gone five and a half years and I've probably only dreamed about him two or three times. 

Why is that?

And, when I have dreamed about him, it's only been his back - never his front - never his face or his voice.

Why is that?

I was talking to somebody that night about his dad who has leukemia - which is what took my dad.  But, I've talked about leukemia before.

And, I've been going through some old photos of my dad.  But, I've done that before too.

And, I had lots of beach on the brain. And, the beach reminds me of my dad. But, I've been to the beach plenty of times since he died.

So, I don't know what triggered that dream.  Maybe a combination of all of those things.

And it was his face. And he talked.  Which has never happened. In my dream, he was in remission, but thought he had relapsed.  And all he said was "I've got a hunch. I've got a hunch.I've got a hunch." 

Which is kind of weird.  Because "hunch" isn't really a word I don't think my dad would use.

Anyway, in my dream, I then realized that my dad was already dead, and it was just a dream.  So it was a dream in a dream?  That's weird too.

It was all odd.

But it was my daddy.

And I got to "see" him and "talk" to him.

And that was nice.

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

I'd like to think that your dad came to you to help you with this challenge you've had of late. He's telling you it will all work out.

Just like he probably did when he was alive?

I treasure the dreams with my parents in them.

JuJu said...

I'd like to think that your dad came to you to help you with this challenge you've had of late. He's telling you it will all work out.

Just like he probably did when he was alive?

I treasure the dreams with my parents in them.