Monday, February 4, 2013

It was super

It wasn't much of a productive weekend. But it was a good one.

Let's see... the rest of the weekend in bullets...

Coop and I watched Food Network the whole weekend. And, by the whole weekend, I mean THE WHOLE WEEKEND.

He got a basketball to the face during his game Saturday and is now sporting a shiner. 

He made dinner for me Saturday night ... taco salad and cupcakes.   It was delish and beautiful and he was quite proud of himself.  He made the menu, made the shopping list and did everything (except the oven parts) all by himself.  Good stuff.

Jordan came home from the tournament with some sort of ick.  My Super Bowl half time show featured a trip to the Minor Med.  She's negative for flu and strep and positive for some sort of ick.  No school for her today.

The big game last night was enjoyable I guess.  I was kind of for San Fran.  But also for a few Ravens players.  And, for both coaches.  So, whatever.

I've already got venison stew in my new fancy crock pot for tonight. 

That sums it up.

1 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

I want to come watch the Food Network with you guys and eat one of Cooper's home cooked meals.