Thursday, February 14, 2013


The Captain gave me some chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day and I already had one for breakfast... since it's fruit and all...

In other news, Coop had to have a tooth pulled suddenly on Monday.  He had some serious pain over the weekend.  And by serious pain, I mean sleeping only about an hour or two a night and crying.  It.  Was.  Rough.  He woke up all swollen on Monday.  I called the dentist and they said bring him in right then.  And, before we knew it, boy was having a tooth jerked out.  He had some serious infection up in the root of a baby tooth.  So, we spent Monday afternoon nursing a gaping hole in his mouth and trying to keep the swelling down and manage the pain.  Later found out that infection like that can get all up in his brain.  Ummmm, that doesn't sound too good.  So, we are on a major round of antibiotic.  But, the tooth fairy brought him $5 so it wasn't all in vain.

Coop hasn't lost many baby teeth.  Guess he'll be married and the father of three and the tooth fairy will still come see him...

2 Wanna' ramble too?:

Unknown said...

Never hurts to have an extra source of income once you get married and realize all the bills you have to pay...

JuJu said...

Oh, bless his little heart. I hope he recovers quickly enough to enjoy some Valentine's candy?

FYI - Brother's team plays in Memphis next weekend...