Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Apparently the Bloggie Doggie settled down for a long winter's nap.

When I left for work, my bed was perfectly made.

When I got home, it looked like this.

Looks like he made a little nest, got all snuggled down and took a little siesta.

And yes, that's a Winnie the Pooh pillowcase.

Don't judge.

The Bloggie Doggie watches TV while we are at work.

The Captain insists he watch hunting shows on Outdoor Channel.

I contend that he enjoys Sports Center and the occasional Law and Order.

And the Game Show Network - he loves that too.

(I once had a small addiction to the Game Show Network. I did seek intervention when I realized I had developed a crush on Chuck Woolery.)

And......Today is December 8.

If anybody else is slightly freaked out by that, please raise your hand.

Alrighty, go forth and have a nice day.

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

connie said...

Looks like it's Sponge Bob...not Pooh. I won't judge b/c I sleep on a flannel Pooh pillowcase. If they made King size Pooh sheets I would have those too! Love me some Winnie!

angie128 said...

Upon further review, the ruling on the field is overturned. The pillowcase IS SpongeBob. I also have a Winnie the Pooh case AND a Jonas Brothers case. (Don't ask.)

But this picture does feature SpongeBob.

Connie is not charged a time out.

JuJu said...

I'm much happier that you sleep with Sponge Bob and not Winnie the Pooh.
Less Creepy.

I am sure Bloggie Doggy prefers Christopher Meloni to any hunting show!