Monday, January 7, 2013

It's going on

Last college football game tonight.

Can't even stand it.

What on earth is a girl to do when it's over?

NFL playoffs will help me.

Has anyone else not even noticed there hasn't been any hockey?


Kids have one more day off before heading back to school tomorrow.

There remains some lazy crazy stuff going on here while I'm at work.

Like on Friday when I came home for lunch, I discovered Gauge had been eating pancakes.

Then, when I came home that evening, both kids were still in their jammies and watching TV in my bed.

And, Gauge met me at the back door with a bag of chips in his mouth.

Alrighty then.

Other than that, things are great.

1 Wanna' ramble too?:

JuJu said...

I want to live Gauge's life.