Friday, October 23, 2009


It is Friday. And that is glorious.

Here's what has been going on with me this week:

During a meteor shower Wednesday morning, I saw five shooting stars. Five. That's neat.

Do you ever wonder why we say, we are going to get "in" the bed but actually we are "on" the bed or "under" the covers? Oh, you don't? This is one of those things that I say out loud and the Captain looks at me with this look that says, "I wish I had never asked you out that second time...."

I am very busy at work right now planning a party to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our company. Just a small, close intimate event. Over 600 invitations went out. Eeeeek. It's huge-y. And it is consuming me.

Remember earlier this week when I mentioned the questionable call during the Arkansas loss to Florida? The SEC later apologized for that and said they made a mistake. Seriously?! And they have suspended the officiating crew. Well that does us a lot of good now doesn't it?! Too bad there.

The Captain's sister got a brand new car this week. Her husband surprised her with a 2010 Camaro. Which is kind of like my car if you mix all the letters up again. Cause I drive a 2001 Camry. See the similarities there? I'm telling you -- there is constant oooh'ing and aaah'ing over my car. It is sport-y!

This weekend features my driving the Mom's Taxi all weekend. Seriously. It's a bit nuts. I'll probably have to fill my tank up twice before Monday. And I've got to squeeze some laundry in there some where. And my family does really like to have clean sheets occasionally. Oh, and food. They like food. So I should try to swing by the grocery store. They really do not think marshmallows, Ritz crackers and Jello are a legitimate dinner.

This is quite the lame blog post. But I am beyond brain-weary today. I have lots of other stuff rolling around up there, but I won't spill it. You're welcome.

Have a good weekend.

3 Wanna' ramble too?:

w said...

what happened on your 2nd date that sealed the deal?

i drive a sienna. we're practically twins.

i await my invitation to your party.

JuJu said...

I love the random thoughts and posts. It's like crawling up into your brain, sitting down for a while and checking it out!
HOw does one even begin to plan a party for so many people?? I wish you luck with that!

angie128 said...

W - Connie drives a Sienna too! So that means we are actually TRIPLETS!! How exciting!!

JuJu - I promise if you crawled in my brain, you would NOT sit down. You would run. I am nuts.