Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Clean Up. Clean Up.

Have you seen the hand wipey dispenser things that the grocery stores have by their buggies? So you can wipe off the germy handles? Seen those? I am a very big fan of those things. And yes, I use them. Cause I'm a germaphobe. And you never know what people have been touching, scratching, picking or wiping before they touched the buggy handle. EWWWWWW. Besides, I will never pass up an opportunity to use a hand wipey or some hanitizer. Cause I'm a germaphobe. Did I mention that already? I did? OK, sorry. Moving along.....

So when I'm at the grocery, I will use the wipey to wipe my hands. And the buggy handle.

But the other night at Kroger I witnessed a very odd thing.

There was a guy who had gotten his buggy. OK.

And he got a wipey. OK.

And proceeded to wipe his........wait for it.....


......and his......arms.....

Seriously people. Dude was giving himself a sponge bath in the entrance of the Kroger. With the cart handle wipey thing.

Like all over his legs and arms. Wipe. Wipe. Wipe.

I literally stopped. And stared.

And I may have chuckled out loud.

Cause it was totally bizarre.

And I think that behavior far surpasses my OCD Germaphobism. Just sayin.

4 Wanna' ramble too?:

beckyjomama said...

OK, I am just the kinda person that woulda whipped out the cell phone and taken a pic for my blog ... unless I was with the hubby, because he never lets me have fun like that.

JuJu said...

Maybe that was his shower for the day?
Either way, ewwwwwwwww.

Miss Mandy said...

twitpic or it didn't happen.

angie128 said...

I probably could have twitpic'd it. He was looking at me looking at him the entire time. Wasn't phased.